Dear authors it is really a challenging problem. Every author faces this basic question how to publish a research paper? If you publish in some bad/predatory journal then your work will not be considered as good. In this blog, I will attempt to provide some tips to find

  1. list of journals
  2. find the right journal for your literature
  3. the reputation of the journal,
  4. the time period from submission, and publication.

Every researcher goes through this process, and to your surprise, there is no standard way to do so. This article is my experience, which I learned the hard way.

You have to follow the following steps mentioned below:


  1. Think
  2. Check
  3. Submit


You first need to have your paper ready for publishing.

  1. Copy the tile of the paper.
  2. Copy the abstract of the paper.

keep them handy as will require for the next steps.


In the thinking step, you first need to find out the list of journals in which you aim to publish your paper, to do so following links must be used to find the right journals.


Search for related journals based on your own paper. This can be done by clicking the link above and then pasting the title and abstract from your paper.

The journal suggester tool will suggest different journals. Now you need to carefully look for the journals, that are relevant according to your university requirements.

journal finder
journal finder


This phase is very crucial. If you select a journal that does not fulfill the basic requirements such as SCOPUS/SCI indexing, the time period until the journal was under the SCOPUS indexing. then you may waste your paper.

It is mandatory to be extra vigilant in selecting the right journal. This also may lead to wasting your time from submission and rejection of your paper by the journal.

Journal Details
Journal Details


To do so download the Excel file from the link below.

Download the Excel from here and do extensive research based on the following steps:

  1. copy the name of the journal suggested by the suggester and find it inside the Excel sheet. Check if it is still under the SCOPUS indexing or not.
  2. if the journal name is not discontinued, it is safe to publish.
  3. to publish, copy the journal’s name and paste it into the browser search bar.
  4. click on the homepage of the journal.
  5. On the journal homepage carefully study the following:
    1. about the journal
    2. submission to the first decision
    3. submission to acceptance
    4. submission guidelines
    5. fee and funding
    6. abstracted and indexed in
  6. if everything is good then you can register for the journal
  7. format your paper in the format prescribed by the journal
  8. format your references according to the template
  9. submit the paper
journal homepage
journal homepage

If you still have questions then do comment so that I can help you.

#Jai Hind