This article is for all those interested to install Whatsapp in their Ubuntu Linux machine. Whatsapp has been one of the most favorite app of the mobile lovers. The article has simple steps to follow and install Whatsapp in Ubuntu Desktop Machine.
Whatsapp for Ubuntu simple steps
- To install Whasapp you need to open terminal. Copy and paste the commands
$sudo apt-get install python python-dateutil python-argparse
- Now download yowsup from github
- After download then unzip the and enter the directory.
$cd yowsup-master
- Register your number with Whatsapp. It will then return data. -C is country code and after -p is mobile number. Copy the output and save it in a text file. The pw filed in the output is password of your whatsapp account.
$./yowsup-cli registration –r sms -C 91 -p 919999999999
INFO:yowsup.common.http.warequest:{“status”:”ok”,”login”:”919999999999″,”type”:”existing”,”pw”:”AlKkrZoBGefOnmprZX+ebf4y8mQ=”,”expiration”:4444444444.0,”kind”:”free”,”price”:”\u20b9 55″,”cost”:”55.00″,”currency”:”INR”,”price_expiration”:1456265102}
status: ok
kind: free
pw: AlKkrZoBGefOnmprZX+ebf4y8mQ=
price: ₹ 55currency: INR
cost: 55.00
login: 919999999999
type: existing
expiration: 4444444444.0
- Add PPA to install pidgin plugin for whatsapp
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:whatsapp-purple/ppa
- Now update and install pidgin and pidgin whatsapp plugin
sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install pidgin pidgin-whatsapp
- After pidgin has installed open pidgin and add your account with username your phone number with country code but with no + character. Add the password to the account. After adding the value click Advanced Tab. In Resource filed add the following value:
S 40-2.12.11-433
Now you are good to go. You can now chat with your friends. If you guys are interested in developing application based on Yowsup library then give your comments. I will write tutorial on creating small applications using Yowsup library and use Whatsapp.
Happy Whatsapping!!!!
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